Instructor and Researcher of the Design School at Universidad del Desarrollo. He has undergraduate studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and earned his degree as a designer with maximum distinction. He holds an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in NY, earning his degree with honors.
Instructor and Researcher of the Design School at Universidad del Desarrollo. She has undergraduate studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a Master of Science in Design from Arizona State University.
Instructor and Researcher of the Engineering School at Universidad del Desarrollo. He also holds a Post-doctorate from the Institute Weizmann of Ciencias, Rehovot, Israel and a Ph.D. in Physics from Universidad de Chile.
Faculty member and Coordinator of Innovation & Technology at the Design School at Universidad del Desarrollo. He has undergraduate studies at the Universidad Diego Portales of Santiago, Chile, and a Master in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.
Instructor and Researcher of the Engineering School at Universidad del Desarrollo. She holds a Doctorate in Science of the Engineering with mention in Mathematical Modeling from Universidad de Chile and a Magister in Mathematics with mention in Complex Analysis from Universidad de Concepción, Chile.